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Oral healthcare: Everything you need to know about mouth breathing

· Dentist Epping

Healthy breathing is through the nose, with the right amount of oxygen inhaled and carbon dioxide inhaled. When you stop breathing through your nose, your mouth opens and you start breathing through your mouth instead. It is caused by a deficiency of O2 (oxygen), CO2 (carbon-dioxide) and NO (nitric oxide) by hyperventilation in the body's cells - a condition in which you begin to breathe very quickly. In many situations, you must need to visit a dentist Epping NSW to avoid major health problems.

dentist Epping NSW

Our nose acts as a natural filter of all particulate matter suspended in the air and warms it when it passes through the nose. In this way, the air inside our lungs is cleaner than breathing directly through the mouth. When we breathe through our mouths, the air moistens the saliva, which is the natural saliva of the mouth, as well as for what we eat. Due to this dryness, bacteria grow rapidly in the oral cavity, which can often cause a variety of diseases. Your Epping dentist can help you to diagnose a proper cause for your mouth breathing which can be one of these:

1. Decreased blood supply to vital organs : when blood supply to vital organs decreases, it signals brains for more oxygen. This enhances the breathing speed and thus, enable mouth breathing. You must need to visit a dentist once or twice a month, if you are on the verge of vital organ damage.

2. Shortness of breath, nasal congestion, frequent airway infections of the nose, throat and chest and polluted air flow such as:

· Sinusitis

· Enlarged tonsils

· Increase in adenoids

· Excessive saliva (production of phlegm)

3. Muscle strain : Lack of oxygen supply to the blood cells causes muscle strain.

4. Breathing through the nose helps in the development of nasal bones and muscles, which can be:

  • Distracted nasal part
  • Nostalgic nose

5. Snoring : It occurs when the oral-laryngeal muscles relax and the person stops breathing due to airway obstruction.

6. Face deformation : When you breathe through your mouth the lips become sealed which does not allow the external development of the jaw bones and teeth. Nasal breathing allows enlargement of the sinuses located on either side of the face in the cheek area. In the case of mouth breathing, the sinus bones do not develop well and the result is flattened. The dentist Epping NSW can diagnose face deformation with the help of X-rays in case you have,

  • Upper jaw preservation
  • Protecting teeth with spaces in front teeth
  • Cheek bones depressed

7. Increase tongue size : Lack of lip moisture in the mouth can affect your tongue. The respiratory tongue is larger in size and larger than normal.

8. Gum disease : Breathing in the mouth increases the dryness of the mouth which dries the saliva. It helps in the growth of bacterial flora in the oral cavity. These bacteria cause gum infections and other diseases of the oral cavity and other organs of the human body. Visit your nearest Epping dentist regularly in case you have any mole or pimple or any sign of infection on your gums.

9. Increase the size of the lower lip : The lips become dry and different breaths from the mouth using the tongue try to moisten them with saliva.

10. Indigestion : Saliva not only helps in digesting food but also contains enzymes that help in better digestion of food.

11. Increase heart rate : when heart rate increases, it creates a pace with the throat and lungs, enabling more intake of oxygen. This results in mouth breathing.

12. Abnormalities related to regulating blood pressure, blood sugar level and body weight.

Dentist Epping

How should you handle these problems?

A. There are various oral equipment, medical devices and surgical treatment procedures available to manage this problem. You should always seek dentist Epping NSW advice.

B. Lifestyle changes such as: You must need to change your lifestyle and daily habits including the following traits.

  • Weight phenomenon
  • Quit smoking
  • Avoid drinking excessive alcohol
  • Sleeping pills
  • Lie on your stomach or on your side instead of your back

To Know more dental services to contact Rawson Dental Epping.